Maybe we're running away from the hopeless emptiness of the whole life here.
Plenty people are on the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.
Maybe we're running away from the hopeless emptiness of the whole life here.
Plenty people are on the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.
Manipulating, every second a plot
Echoing deep inside a sordid nature
Leeriness paints the true color of an eerie heart
Interlocking all on one pretentious tear
破曉時分的公園,一片如夕陽般澄黃的落葉在突然刮起的一陣風中再度離地,瞬間飄離我模糊的視線。空蕩蕩的Amsterdam Avenue,除了偶然駛過的車輛,一個人也沒有。
天黑了,四點五十八分,在下班rush hour的車陣中,最後一道日光隨著公路兩旁逐一亮起的路燈消逝在海灣的那一端。
車內的CD正放著你最愛的Rhapsody in Blue,手握著方向盤,長長的車龍以近乎停止的速度緩緩前進著。你說這曲子總讓你想起飛翔在空中的自由感受,而此刻的我卻想問,現在的你看見了怎樣的風景?有沒有像我正在想你一樣,也在想著我?
That was a humid summer afternoon. Sitting at first row in front of all friends and family, my back was completely soaked of uneasy sweat. Though the weather wasn’t that comfortable, it couldn’t be blamed on my being heavyhearted. In fact, it was all about her, one of my best friends who was lying in a coffin with flowers around. It was all about this losing-someone-important-to-you thing that has drained my tears for the entire of my life. I was so devastated. How could she choose to leave this world without a proper good-bye? At least, I was the one who really care about her and we used to be such good friends.