It's awful being a grown-up, but the carousel never stops turning. You just can't get off. Now I realize how sad to know when to say when, how sad to feel the emptiness cuz you know what you have is always a glass half-full.
Because of you, I choose to forget what I fear.
昨晚在看了令人傷感的影集後,我回頭去讀了自己在幾年前寫下的故事,holiday season,一樣的季節,可惜的是我卻忘了當時的心情,少了該有的期待,只有偶爾注意到掛在牆上的月曆,發覺那只剩一張就要走到尾聲的一年時,會忍不住小小的感傷一下。
Especially when hearing the truth, learning all that have been hidden deep inside our hearts so long, knowing there will be no way to keep lying to ourselves. It sucks to be a grown-up, and you wish you could never like that carousel so much.
But it's just all about the weather, yeah it is.