An attractive story always has a good beginning and sometimes a perfect ending as expected. This story begun with an anonymous message but ended with the truth left untold. Who was the one scheming everything? Was the secret going to be divulged? Such anticipations were shamefully unsatisfied.
Weeks ago, a journalist in charged of this case was fatally shot on his way to work early in the morning. Witness reported four gunshots were heard but failed to identify the location of the gunner. People started to guess why this guy was killed. Several different stories scattered out from the neighborhood. One of the most possible reasons was related to his investigation of the case “Anonymous Message”. Some people said the journalist had some crucial evidence about the deep throat behind the case and this actuated the homicide.
Another man sacrificed since the “Anonymous Message” was released to public. The society concerns about the following effects of this event. People from the neighborhood organize a security group, disseminating flyers about this issue. They hope this may help in finding the killer who is still at large.
But none of us was sure that the conspirator will step out and confess everything.
Sometimes knowing too much may not be a good thing. She knows…and I finally knew.