Love, what a beautiful emotion that brings hope and happiness.
It should be great and altruistic, not just full of selfishness.
Sacrificing is like a razor;
Keep you bleeding in love.
This alliance isn’t just you and your other half.
Years compares with decades;
Your love is demonstrated by taking him/her away,
showing false hope of this love.
A circle met the wrong piece.
This isn’t going to work out.
There are kinds of emotions other than love.
A smile from a stranger,
A greeting from your friend,
A hug from your sibling,
A pat from your father,
A cuddle from your mother.
Except lover, these are people who care about you and
never going to leave you when you feel helpless.
They are the ones who will always be there for you.
Life can’t be complete without them.
So why abandon the whole just for one wrong piece?
If this is the true love, your love will do everything to mend the cracks and
keep this big circle of your life round.
But he/she didn’t, did he/she?
寫這篇時,心裡所想的是那首很大愛的英文歌曲—The Greatest Love of All,想著,我們每天開口閉口都提及的愛究竟能有多偉大的力量,但是卻很少有人能將愛解釋得清楚。上面這段文字是啟發自幾年前還在唸書時,來自一位Bible Study的老師所發表的言論。當時,我們談論著愛能以怎樣的形式被實現。